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News – Martina Gregoriou

Are White Noise Machines Good For You?

In todays bustling world, finding moments to unwind and secure a peaceful night's sleep is more crucial than ever. That's where white noise machines step in – these devices have become popular for their knack in creating a serene environment perfect for relaxation and sleep. But the real question is, are these gadgets truly beneficial for your overall well-being? Let's take a closer look at the science behind white noise machines to uncover their potential benefits and, of course, address any drawbacks. First up, what is White Noise? White noise is a type of coloured noise which occurs when all frequencies on the audible scale are combined in equal measure- creating a steady, static like sound.White noise also presents itself in everyday sounds like low vacuuming, fan sounds, steady running water or gentle shushing. The Upsides of White Noise Machines: 1. Improved Sleep Quality: These machines are like sleep superheroes, masking disruptive noises such as traffic or barking dogs. This, in turn, helps you drift off to sleep faster and enjoy more restful sleep throughout the night. 2. Reduced Stress and Anxiety: The calming effect of white noise on the brain is well-documented. That steady sound creates a predictable auditory environment, soothing your central nervous system and promoting relaxation. 3. Enhanced Focus and Concentration: Beyond bedtime, white noise machines can boost your focus and concentration during the day. By drowning out background distractions, they create an ideal environment for studying, working, or practicing mindfullness. 4. Tinnitus Relief: For those dealing with the persistent ringing or buzzing of tinnitus, white noise machines can provide a welcome respite. They mask these phantom noises, making them less noticeable. Considerations: While white noise machines come with an array of benefits, it's important to use them wisely and be aware of potential drawbacks: 1. Volume Levels: Just like any sound, excessive white noise can pose a risk to your hearing if cranked up too high for too long. It's recommended to keep sound levels to that of a soft shower - around 65 dB - if listening for a long period of time. 2. Masking Important Sounds: White noise might be great at drowning out disruptions, but it's crucial to ensure that important sounds, like smoke alarms or a crying baby, remain audible. As we mentioned before, keep sound levels to that of a soft shower to stay aware of your surroundings.  

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News – Martina Gregoriou

Best White Noise Machine Of 2024: LUMI Leads the Way

When it comes to making sure your little one get a great nights sleep, having a trusty white noise machine is like having a superhero on your parenting team. As we kick off 2024, LUMI proudly stands as the sleep experts, fine-tuning our tech to cater to the real needs of adults, children and babies! At LUMI, we get it, quality sleep is a game-changer for little ones, a key ingredient for their happy and healthy development. And here's some exciting news: we're absolutely thrilled to share that we've clinched the Gold Award for Best Sleep Aid in the Loved by Parents 2024 Awards.  So, what sets LUMI apart in the baby sleep game? Well our white noise machine's don't just drown out the unwanted sounds, they also create a soothing atmosphere complete with ambient lighting and calming sounds, that helps those little ones drift off into quality sleep. Not only that but they come with loads of handy features like light up buttons to stop you fumbling in the dark, sleep timers, and even the capability to record your own voice. So whether you're tackling fussy cries, trying to muffle the household chaos, or just aiming for a bedtime routine that doesn't feel like a wrestling match,— LUMI's got your back!

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News – Alex Taylor

How To Crack Your Sleep Routine

A good nights sleep is just as important as regular exercise and healthy eating. There are countless studies showing the negative effects on your hormones and brain function when you don't get enough sleep. On top of weight gain and increased risk of illness, there are so many reasons why getting a good night's sleep is so important. Here are some tips on how to get yourself into a fail safe sleep routine. Reduce Blue Light Exposure In The Evening Whilst exposure to light is beneficial during the day, night time light exposure from screens, can trick your brain into thinking it is still day time, which in turn reduces hormones like melatonin that help you relax and get to sleep. If you're at a computer all day, try reducing the time you spend staring at your phone when you get home in the evening. Instead take a warm shower, read a book or listen to some relaxing sounds on your LUMI sound machine to help get your body get ready to fall asleep. Optimise Your Bedroom Environment Your bedroom environment plays a huge role in your sleep routine. It's important to only get into bed when you feel tired and not to associate your bed with anything other than sleep or relaxation. Ensure your bedroom isn't too hot or too cold - the ideal temperature being around 18 degrees. Finally, optimise your environment by blocking out external noise and any artificial lights. The white noise from your LUMI device is a great way to drown out unwanted sounds which may otherwise wake you up.  Wake Up And Fall Sleep At A Consistent Time  It's been proven that getting into bed at the same time every evening and waking up at the same time every morning is incredibly beneficial when it comes to forming a sleep routine. By stabilising your circadian rhythm, this can help you to fall asleep quicker and have a more restful nights sleep. Whilst it's okay to have the occasional late night on a weekend, a consistent routine with your sleep is key to you working to your full potential during the daytime.  Let us know in the comments if you have any other top tips for getting a restful nights sleep!

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News – Alex Taylor

We've All Heard About White Noise - But What About Pink & Brown Noise?

We all want better sleep, right? One way to achieve that is by using different types of soothing sounds, like white, pink, and brown noise. You have probably already heard of white noise, a calming hum that helps you sleep better. But there's more to discover with both pink noise, which sounds like steady rain or ocean waves, and brown noise, which is deeper and rumbling like heavy rain or a strong shower. All of these sounds have some unique benefits - why not give them a go? The Wonder of White Noise White noise is like a soothing hum that combines all the sounds you can hear. Imagine the soft, steady sound of a fan or TV static. White noise is excellent for improving your sleep because it acts like a sound blanket, covering up other noises that might wake you up. It's also great for helping you concentrate, especially when there's a lot of noise around. It's like creating your own little world of calm and focus. Diving into Pink Noise Pink noise is a bit deeper and even more calming than white noise. Think of it as the gentle sound of a steady rain shower, the wind gently rustling leaves in a forest, or the relaxing waves at the beach. Pink noise helps you unwind and sleep better because it masks or muffles other sounds. It's like having your personal lullaby to help you doze off peacefully. Getting to Know Brown Noise Brown noise, also sometimes called red noise, is like a deeper, rumbling sound. It's more bass-heavy than pink and white noise. Picture the deep, steady sound of heavy rain pouring outside your window or the strong, soothing rush of water from a powerful shower. But here's an interesting twist: studies have found that brown noise can help people who have a ringing sound in their ears, a condition known as tinnitus. Using Coloured Noise for Better Sleep If you're thinking about trying these sounds to help you sleep, we've got you covered. Our LUMI White Noise Machine Pro offers both white and pink noise options. If you want even more choices, our app-connected machine includes white, pink, and brown noise. Why not give it a go and discover how these unique sounds can help you to get a longer, deeper nights sleep.

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News – Martina Gregoriou

Why Red Light Needs To Become Part Of Your Bedtime Routine

What's the connection between the colour of light and helping your little one drift off to sleep? Well, it turns out that certain colours, like amber and red, have unique properties that make them ideal for bedtime. These hues boast longer wavelengths compared to other colours and have a lower temperature than the bright sunlight. This combination of characteristics gives amber and red a warm, soothing quality that can work wonders in promoting a good night's sleep. Red Light Combats The Adverse Effects Of Blue Light The magic of red light lies in its ability to counteract the adverse effects of blue light, which we all know can wreak havoc on our sleep patterns, especially when it comes to infants and toddlers. With the increasing screen time children are exposed to, blocking or neutralising the harmful impact of blue light has never been more critical. Some people resort to blue light blocking glasses in the evening, but for the youngest members of the family, falling asleep to the gentle glow of red light can be a natural and effective solution to mitigate the disruptions caused by blue light. This red light not only helps them doze off peacefully but also ensures a restful night's sleep. Red Light Alleviates Fear Of The Dark Red light can also come to the rescue for parents dealing with toddlers who are afraid of the dark. It's not uncommon for children as young as 18 months to experience fear of the dark. Night lights are often introduced to provide comfort, but sometimes they can unintentionally disrupt sleep patterns. However, by switching to red lights instead of the conventional white ones, you can create a comforting and soothing environment that helps your child sleep soundly without being fearful of the dark. Looking For A Red Light Sleep Solution? If you're on the hunt for a sleep solution that incorporates the benefits of red light, look no further. The LUMI Original White Noise Machine and the LUMI Portable White Noise Machine Pro Max offer the perfect combination of calming red light and soothing sounds!

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